NETRUNNER Wizards of the Coast - 1996 Full Set (362/374 cards) Updated 4/29/96 Aardvark R Access to Araska C Access to Kiribati U Accounts Receivable C ACME Savings and Loan R Afreet U AI Boon R Al Chief Financial Officer R All Nighter C Annual Reviews U Anonymous R Antiquated Interface Routines R Araska Owns You R Araska Portable Prototype R ÒArmadilloÓ Armored Road Home U Armored Fridge U Artemis 2020 U Artificial Security Director R Asp C Audit of Call Records C Back Door to Hilliard C Back Door to Orbital Air U BaedekerÕs Net Map C Ball and Chain R Banpei C Bakdoor U BBS Whispering Campaign C Bioweapons Engineering R Bizarre Encryption Scheme U Black Dahlia U Black Ice Quality Assurance R Blink U Blood Cat R Boardwalk U Bodyweight Data CrechŽ R Bodyweight Synthetic Blood C Bolter Cluster C Braindance Campaign C Broker C Butcher Boy C Canis Major C Canis Minor U Cascade U Cerberus C Chance Observation C Chicago Branch U Cinderella U City Surveillance R Cloak C Closed Accounts U Clown C Cockroach U Code Corpse U Codecracker U Codeslinger U Code Viral Cache R Core Command: Jettison Ice U Corolla Speed Chip C Corporate Ally R Corporate Boon C Corporate Coup U Corporate Detective Agency U Corporate Downsizing U Corporate Retreat U Corporate War C CorprunnerÕs Shattered Remains U Cortical Scrub C Cowboy Sysop U Crash Everett, Inventive Fixer C Crybaby R Crystal Palace Station Grid R Crystal Wall C Custodial Position C Cyfermaster U DanshiÕs Second ID C DÕ Arc Knight C Databroker U Data Darts U Data Fort Reclamation C Data Masons R Data Naga U Datapool by Zetatech R Data Raven U Data Wall C Data Wall 2.0 C Day Shift R Deal with Militech R Dedicated Response Team U Department of Truth Enhancement U Dermatech Bodyplating U Desperate Competitor U Detroit Police Contract U Dieter Esslin R Disinfectant, Inc. R Dogcatcher U Dr. Dreff R ÒDrifterÓ Mobile Environment U Dropp U DuprŽ R Dwarf C Edgerunner, Inc., Temps U Edited Shipping Manifests C Efficiency Experts C Emergency Self-Construct R Employee Empowerment U Encoder, Inc. R Encryption Breakthrough R ESA Contract U Euromarket Consortium U Evil Twin U Executive Extraction R Executive Wiretaps C Experimental Al U Expert Schedule Analyzer U Fait Accompli C Fall Guy U False Echo U Falsified-Transaction Expert R Fang C Fang 2.0 C Fatal Attractor R Fetch 4.0.1 C Field Reporter for Ice and Data R Filter C Fire Wall C Flak U Floating Runner BBS R Force Shield C Forged Activation Orders U Forgotten Backup Chip C Fortress Architects U Fortress Respecifications U Fragmentation Storm C Full Body Conversion U Genetics-Visionary Aquisition R GideonÕs Pawnshop C ÒGreen KnightÓ Surge Buffers C Gremlins U Grubb U Hacker Tracker Central U Hammer C Haunting Inquisition U HellÕs Run C Holovid Campaign C Homewrecker C Hostile Takeover U Hot Tips for WNS R HQ Interface C Hunt Club BBS C Hunter U Ice and DataÕs Guide to the Net U Ice Pick Willie C Ice Transmutation C If You Want It Done RightÉ C I Got a Rock R Imp U Incubator U Information Laundering U Inside Job C Investment Firm R Invisibility C I Spy U Jack Attack U Jackhammer U Jack ÕnÕ Joe C Japanese Water Torture U Jenny Jett R Jerusalem City Grid R Joan of Arc U Junkyard BBS U Karl de Veres, Corporate Stooge U Keeper C Kilroy Was Here U Krash U Krumz U Laser Wire R Leland, Corporate Bodyguard C Liche U Lifesaver Nanosurgeons U LivewireÕs Contacts C Loan from Chiba U Loony Goon U Lucidrine Booster Drug U Main-Office Relocation U Management Shake-Up C Mantis, Fixer-at-Large C Marine Arcology U Mastiff U Mazer C Microtech Al Interface U Microtech Backup Drive C Microtech ÕTrode Set R Militech MRAM Chip U misc.for-sale R MIT West Tier R Mouse U MRAM Chip U Mystery Box R Namatoki Plaza C Nasuko Cycle U Nerve Labyrinth U N.E.T.O. R Netspace Inverter R Netwatch Credit Voucher C Netwatch Operations Office U Neural Blade C Nevinyrral U New Blood U New Galveston City Grid R Newsgroup Filter U Newsgroup Taunting R Night Shift C Nomad Allies C Off-Site Backups C Olivia Salazar R Omni Kismet, Ph.D. U Omniscience Foundation C On-Call Solo Team C Open-Ended Mileage Program C Organ Donor R Overtime Incentives C Pacifica Regional Al R PandoraÕs Deck U Paris City Grid C Parraline 5750 C PattelÕs Virus U ¹ in the ÕFace C Pile Driver U PK-6089a C Planning Consultants C Playful Al R Pocket Virtual Reality C Political Coup C Political Overthrow R Poltergeist R Polymer Breakthrough C Power Grid Overload U Pox U Preying Mantis R Priority Requisition U Priority Wreck R Private Cybernet Police C Private LDL Access U Project Babylon C Project Consultants C Punitive Counterstrike C Quandary C Quest for Cattekin R Rabbit C Raffles C Ramming Piston C Raptor C Rave Microcyb Eagle C Rave Microcyb Owl U Razor Wire R R&D Interface C R&D Protocol Files C Record Reconstructor R Red Herrings U Reflector R Reinforced Wall R Remote Facility U Replicator U Rescheduler C Restrictive Net Zoning U Rex C Rigged Investments C Rio de Janeiro City Grid C Rockerboy Promotion C Rock Is Strong C Romp through HQ U Ronin Around R Roving Submarine R Rustbelt HQ Branch C Scatter Shot R Schlaghund R Scorched Earth U Score! C Scramble C Security Code WORM Chip U Security Net Optimization C Security Purge R SeeYa C Self-Modifying Code R Sentinels Prime U Setup! C Shaka U Shield C Shock.r U Short-Term Contract C Shotgun Wire R Shredder Uplink Protocol U Signpost U Silicon Saloon Franchise R Silver Lining Recovery Protocol R Singapore City Grid R SkŠlderviken SA Beta Test Site R Skivviss U Sleeper C Smarteye C SmithÕs Pawnshop U Sneak Preview R Snowball R Social Engineering U Solo Squad C South African Mining Corp C Speed Trap U Spinn Public Relations C Startup Immolator U Strike Force Kali R Stumble through Wilderspace R Submarine Uplink U Subsidiary Branch C Succubus R Superior Net Barriers R Synchronized Attack on HQ R Systematic Layoffs C Team Restructuring U Technician Lover U Techtronica Utility Suit C Temple Microcode Outlet C Tesseract Fort Construction R The Shell Traders R The Short Circuit C The Springboard C Tinweasel U TKO 2.0 C Tokyo-Chiba Infighting R Too Many Doors R Top RunnersÕ Conference R TRAP! U Trauma Team U Triggerman C Trojan Horse C Turbeau Delacroix U Tutor R Twenty-Four-Hour Surveillance R Tycho Extension U Tycho Mem Chip C Umbrella Policy R Urban Renewal C Vacant Soulkiller C Vacuum Link R Valu-Pak Software Bundle U Vapor Ops U Vewy Vewy Quiet C Viral 15 U Virizz U Virus Test Site U Wall of Ice R Wall of Static C Washington DC City Grid R Weather-to-Finance Pipe U Wild Card U Wilson, Weeflerunner Apprentice U WizardÕs Book U Worm U WuTech Mem Chip C Zetatech Mem Chip C Zetatech Software Installer U Zombie C ZZ22 Speed Chip C